Mahatma Gandhi
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. "

Family Sin: How Reiki Helped Heal My Life
NOTE to READERS: Mikayla M. Sabella is the pseudonym for Author K. A. (Kat) Rancourt
A woman overcomes childhood trauma and helps others heal their wounded hearts. With Self-help guru Louise Hay as her role model, Mikayla M. Sabella forges ahead.
About the Book: Family Sin is the true story of how one woman escaped a brutal past littered with childhood trauma and debilitating addictions. It spotlights her courage and insight and shows how she developed an understanding that helped her reconcile powerful negative emotions and break free of the chains that bound her to despicable family secrets.
About the Author: Mikayla M. Sabella (K. A. Rancourt) is a Registered Nurse, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist & Reiki Master Teacher. While helping others heal from traumatic childhoods, she was inspired to share her own healing Journey with the rest of the world. She hopes that in reading her story others with similar issues will be inspired to heal and move forward on their individual Journeys.
Get to know the author and witness how her spiritual connection helped her heal her soul.
ISBN 13 (SOFT): 9781504398114
ISBN 13 (HARD): 9781504398121
ISBN 13 (eBook): 9781504398138